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Rahu can Break you or Make You , See How

Analysis in English and Hindi


In Vedic astrology, Rahu is considered one of the most powerful and malefic planets. It is known as the North Node of the Moon and holds immense significance in shaping an individual’s destiny. Rahu’s influence in one’s birth chart can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. This article explores the detrimental impact of bad Rahu on a person’s life, shedding light on its effects on various aspects of existence.



Mental Turmoil and Anxiety: When Rahu has a malefic influence on a person’s birth chart, it can create a constant state of mental unrest and anxiety. The individual may struggle to find peace of mind, as their thoughts become scattered and unclear. Decision-making becomes challenging, leading to feelings of confusion and fear. Restlessness and unease may become a part of their daily life, impacting their overall well-being.

Some More effects are as follows :

      1. Financial Instability: The malefic effects of Rahu can significantly impact a person’s financial stability. They may face obstacles in career growth and experience difficulties in achieving financial prosperity. The inflow of money might be inconsistent, and they may encounter unexpected financial losses or expenses. Accumulating wealth becomes an arduous task, and managing debts becomes a constant challenge
      2. Health Issues: Under the malefic influence of Rahu, health-related problems may arise. Individuals may experience chronic health issues or undiagnosed ailments that are hard to identify and treat. Their immune system may weaken, making them susceptible to various diseases and physical discomfort. Overall, their health and vitality may suffer, affecting their quality of life.
      3. Strained Relationships: Rahu’s malefic influence can adversely affect interpersonal relationships. The individual may face challenges in maintaining harmonious connections with family, friends, and colleagues. Misunderstandings and conflicts may arise frequently, leading to strained bonds and emotional distress. It becomes crucial for them to exercise patience and communication skills to navigate through relationship difficulties.
      4. Career Obstacles: Professionally, bad Rahu can hinder progress and create obstacles in career advancement. The person may find it challenging to secure suitable employment or face setbacks in their current job. Recognition for their efforts may be limited, leading to a sense of frustration and stagnation in their career path.
      5. Unforeseen Events and Accidents: Under the malefic influence of Rahu, individuals may encounter unexpected events and accidents that disrupt their lives. These occurrences can be both physical and emotional, leading to disruptions in various aspects of their life. It is essential for them to exercise caution and adopt preventive measures to avoid any potential mishaps.
      6. Mental and Emotional Stress: The malefic effects of Rahu can lead to heightened mental and emotional stress. The individual may find it challenging to cope with the pressures of life, and seeking support from loved ones or professionals becomes crucial. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and seeking spiritual guidance can aid in managing stress and emotional well-being.
      7. Struggles in Educational Pursuits: Students and individuals pursuing educational endeavors may face obstacles and difficulties under the malefic influence of Rahu. Learning and comprehending new subjects might become a challenge, impacting academic performance. Extra efforts and support may be required to overcome these obstacles and excel in their educational pursuits.
      8. Addictions and Vices: Under the malefic influence of Rahu, individuals may be more prone to developing addictions and engaging in vices. They might seek temporary relief from their emotional turmoil through substance abuse or other unhealthy habits. This can further exacerbate their problems and lead to a downward spiral in their personal and professional life.
      9. Lack of Clarity and Focus: Individuals with bad Rahu may struggle to maintain clarity of thought and focus in their endeavors. They may experience a lack of direction in life, making it challenging to set clear goals and work towards achieving them. Procrastination and indecisiveness can become common, hindering their progress and success.
      10. Legal Issues and Disputes: The malefic effects of Rahu can attract legal issues and disputes into a person’s life. They may find themselves entangled in legal battles, which can be mentally and financially draining. Resolving these matters may take time and effort, causing additional stress and anxiety.
      11. Reputation and Image: Bad Rahu can impact a person’s reputation and public image negatively. Rumors, gossip, or false allegations may tarnish their name, affecting their social standing and professional credibility. Building trust and restoring their reputation can become a challenging process.
      12. Spiritual Confusion: Under the malefic influence of Rahu, individuals may experience confusion and uncertainty in their spiritual beliefs and practices. They may struggle to connect with their inner self and find solace in spirituality. Seeking guidance from spiritual mentors or engaging in spiritual practices can help them find clarity and peace.
      13. Procrastination and Delayed Progress: People with bad Rahu might face constant delays and obstacles in their endeavors. Procrastination may become a habit, leading to missed opportunities and slow progress in life. Learning to overcome inertia and take timely action is crucial for their personal growth and success.
      14. Impact on Personal Relationships: Bad Rahu can affect personal relationships, including romantic partnerships and friendships. Trust issues, emotional distance, or conflicts may arise, leading to strain in relationships. Open communication, empathy, and understanding are essential to maintain healthy connections with loved ones.
      15. Fear and Phobias: Individuals with malefic Rahu may develop irrational fears and phobias that disrupt their daily life. These fears might limit their experiences and hinder personal growth. Seeking professional help and practicing self-awareness can aid in overcoming these fears.
      16. Impact on Decision-Making: Rahu’s malefic influence can cloud a person’s judgment and decision-making abilities. They may make impulsive choices without considering the consequences, leading to unfavorable outcomes. Developing a systematic approach to decision-making can be beneficial.
      17. Desire for Material Wealth: Under bad Rahu, individuals may develop an excessive desire for material wealth and possessions. This materialistic pursuit might overshadow their spiritual and emotional needs, leading to a shallow and unfulfilled life.


In Vedic astrology, Rahu is considered a malefic planet that can bring challenges and obstacles in one’s life when positioned unfavorably in the birth chart. However, there are several remedies prescribed by ancient scriptures and astrological experts to mitigate the negative impact of bad Rahu. These remedies focus on appeasing Rahu and seeking its positive energies, thus promoting harmony, success, and well-being in life.

  1. Chanting Rahu Mantras: Reciting Rahu mantras such as “Om Raam Rahve Namaha” or “Ardha Kaayam Mahaa Veeryam” daily can invoke positive vibrations and help alleviate the malefic effects of Rahu.

  2. Donating on Saturdays: Since Rahu is associated with Saturdays, offering donations like black sesame seeds, mustard oil, iron items, or black clothes to the needy can pacify its influence.

  3. Wearing Gemstones: Wearing gemstones like Hessonite (Gomed) or Agate (Gomedak) as per astrologer’s advice can strengthen Rahu’s favorable aspects and diminish its malefic effects.

  4. Performing Rahu Graha Shanti Puja: Conducting a Rahu Graha Shanti Puja with the guidance of a qualified priest can help neutralize Rahu’s negative impact and bring peace and harmony.

  5. Observing Fasting: Fasting on Saturdays and during Rahu or Ketu transit periods can help appease the malefic Rahu and Ketu, mitigating their adverse influence.

  6. Worshiping Lord Ganesha: Offering prayers to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, can help dispel the challenges posed by malefic Rahu.

  7. Chanting Vishnu Sahasranama: Reciting Vishnu Sahasranama, a thousand names of Lord Vishnu, can strengthen the positive energy and reduce the malefic effects of Rahu.

  8. Engaging in Charity: Contributing to charities or sponsoring educational expenses for underprivileged children can bring positive energy and alleviate the malefic influence of Rahu.

  9. Maintaining Cleanliness: Keeping the house and surroundings clean and clutter-free can create positive vibrations and dispel negative energies associated with Rahu.

  10. Seek Spiritual Guidance: Seeking the counsel of a knowledgeable astrologer or spiritual advisor can provide personalized remedies to tackle the malefic Rahu based on individual birth charts.



Understanding the malefic effects of Rahu in one’s birth chart is essential in order to take necessary precautions and adopt suitable remedies. Consulting with a skilled astrologer can provide valuable insights and guidance to navigate through the challenges posed by bad Rahu. Additionally, following spiritual practices and seeking inner balance can help individuals lead a more fulfilling and balanced life despite Rahu’s malefic influence.